Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Review of Distant Thunder

Distant Thunder: Book One
“The Lightning Chronicles”
By Jimmy Root Jr.
American Book Publishing
ISBN: 9781589825536
326 Pages

It was Ezekiel who prophesized that Israel would some day be destroyed. Jimmy Root's thriller takes us even further into this story in Book One of The Lightning Chronicles. Distant Thunder is not only instructive in the interpretation of this prophecy; he has created a reality into which each of us can step! Where will you be?

In Plattsville, Missouri, Pastor Ty Dempsey preached from Ezekiel, Isaiah and other passages, and tied the prophetic words into what was happening in today's world. The Chairman of the Board and some others were not pleased; they wanted the quiet feel-good sermons he had been preaching to continue. But how did the congregation feel about it? Most importantly, was the Pastor following God's guidance? For surely he now spoke with new strength and faith in what he shared! Ty believed that God had given the United States over to the narcissistic desires and godless living many wanted and explained why he thought this.

In Northern Israel Moshe Eldan was living within that prophecy. He was a pilot for the Ramat David Air Base and was one of those who nightly patrolled Israeli airspace. He had become even more vigilant since Israel was now completely alone. The United States had become noncommital and a fence walker to keep the black gold flowing. And then one night he was shot down, landing in enemy territory. As he worked his way back, he discovered... Ah, I think you'll have to read the book to find that out! What I will tell you is that for the first time, at the request of his wife, he had recently attended a lecture which explained the meaning of the prophecy from Ezekiel.

Planning had started in 1991 when the KGB directorate head, seeing what was ahead for Russia, stole the entire arsenal of portable, tactical, nuclear weapons that had been stored. Now those who supported his actions were joining with other countries to use those weapons against Israel and America! And in Kansas City, Missouri, Hamid Jamal placed duct tape around him, converting his body into a humanity-killing bomb, as he prepared to attend a concert at a large arena.

The fulfillment of prophecy was happening throughout the world. Jimmy Root writes in his dedication, "to the Christian Church of America, my hope is that an awakening to the realities of the world will occur." Root has written an excellent thriller to help accomplish that hope. The novel flows easily into and out of reviews of prophecy into today as experienced by believable characters that are living as prophecy is fulfilled. Well-written, action-packed flight/war scenes, a delightful love story, and so much more. Distant Thunder is a must-read in my opinion! G. A. Bixler

G. A. BixlerIndependent Professional Book Reviewerbookreviewers.org

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