To put it bluntly: It’s payback time, and Israel’s supporters should teach President Barack Obama a lesson by giving his party a stinging rebuke at the ballot box in November."
Given the fact that our Republic is in jeopardy, if not already lost, this mid-term vote is extremely important. To stem the tide of godlessness and liberalism that has infected Washington, a massive dose of conservative has to happen. But is it enough?
As a believer in the lordship of Jesus Christ, and a watcher of Biblically prophetic signs, what God has set in motion concerning Israel, the Middle East, and the world, is totally in his hands. His designs are....for lack of a better phrase....his designs.
However, what strikes me as immanently important is the need for an American turn around; a turn from the godless direction in which this nation has been moving for the last half a century. It is time for an awakening!
The awakening must begin in the House of God...the body of true followers of Christ. Life ambition, luxury, comfort, and entertainment have ruled the hearts and minds of Christians far too long. Doctrines have been twisted to fit our comfort zone, or our distorted view of God's sovereign purposes. Spiritual laziness has grown into spiritual obesity. We have little clue as to what true suffering really looks like, or how it refines the follower of Jesus for Kingdom living.
It is time for a U-turn.
This election can be part of the overall repentance that is desperately needed, but it is only start for our nation. America must turn back to the One True God, and his name does not start with Allah!
Pray with me for this awakening, then VOTE in November for men and women who uphold Godly, Biblical, and moral principles.
Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles
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Distant Thunder, Gog and Magog, Israel, Iran, Radical Islam, Ezekiel 38 and 39, Jimmy Root Jr, Rapture, Nuclear Weapons, Bible Prophecy, Russia, European Union, Lightning Chronicles, Terrorism, Ahmadinijad,
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