Sunday, October 31, 2010

Three Days and Counting..... To What?

For many, Tuesday, November 2nd is the big day, the changing of the tide, the correction in the course.
I, too, am ready to vote. (Too bad I can't vote some on the left.)
However, a sweeping conservative victory on Tuesday will not change the direction our world is headed. It might make us more comfortable than we would have been with liberals in high places. Tuesday might end up saving us a few bucks in raised taxes, though I doubt it. We are going to have to dig our way out of a debt that verges on the obscene. My guess is, no matter what is being said, at some point we are going to have to pay the piper.
But it's the entire direction of the world that should have our focus.
Islam continues to rise it's turbaned head. Radicals have taken the wheel to this car full of explosive deception, and no matter who sits in the White House, Congress, or Governor's Mansions, America and Israel are being targeted like never before.
Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu declared in a Cabinet meeting, "We stand before a rising wave of terror!"
His declaration came with the realization that terror organizations continue to equip themselves with weapons. Now that Iran is on the verge of developing nuclear bombs, it is now time to ring the alarm. Terror groups will not hesitate to use a nuke or two. Again, no matter which side wins this election, the occupier of the White House is not listening to the truth. The emperor has no foreign desire to do what is necessary. He teleprompts a good game, but the substance behind his rhetoric is very thin indeed.
Where are we headed? Must I say it? Read your Bible.
The destination has been written....with pinpoint accuracy and prophetic signs that are being fulfilled.
If you are a believer, look up with joy.
(As you smile, remember to vote on Tuesday)
If you have not yet believed in the one and only Son of God, named Jesus Messiah (Christ), I would suggest you do so quickly.

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The VATICAN has Ignored the Scriptures

What Bible is the Vatican reading?
Jerusalem Post

This past Saturday, a synod of bishops in Rome tossed the theological equivalent of a hand grenade, threatening to blow up decades of efforts to improve Catholic- Jewish relations.

In a press conference at the Vatican, Monsignor Cyril Salim Bustros, a Greek Melkite archbishop from Boston and president of the Church’s Commission for the Message, launched a blistering attack against the very foundation of Jewish belief.

“The Holy Scriptures,” Bustros declared, “cannot be used to justify the return of Jews to Israel and the displacement of the Palestinians, to justify the occupation by Israel of Palestinian lands.”

Not stopping there, he went on to state that “we Christians cannot speak of the ‘promised land’ as an exclusive right for a privileged Jewish people... There is no longer a chosen people.”

And so, in one fell swoop, a senior Church official sought to deny the unique, covenantal relationship between God and the Jews, rejecting the divine promise to restore the people of Israel to their Land. One cannot help but wonder: What Bible is the Vatican reading? Whichever one it is, it must be missing a few pages, as even a cursory glance at the Scriptures makes clear that the Jewish people’s right to the Land of Israel is indisputably ordained.

Take, for example, Isaiah 14:1-2: “The Lord will have compassion on Jacob; once again He will choose Israel and will settle them in their own land.” Or how about Jeremiah 11:5, where God says: “I will fulfill the oath I swore to your forefathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey...” And then there’s Ezekiel 34: 11-13. And Hosea 3:4-5. And Amos 9:14-15. And Obadiah 1:17, Zephaniah 3:19-20 and Zechariah 8:7-8.

YOU GET the point. But it doesn’t seem that the Catholic Church does.

After the Lebanese-born Bustros’s remarks caused a furor, the Vatican spokesman waited two days before issuing a mealy-mouthed statement which did little to calm the storm.

“If one wants a summary of the synod’s position, attention must currently be paid to the ‘Message,’ which is the only written text approved by the synod in the last few days,” the Vatican’s Father Federico Lombardi said. “There is also a great richness and variety in the contributions made by the fathers, but which as such should not all be considered as the voice of the synod as a whole.”

Lombardi’s efforts to contain the fallout won’t fool anyone. There is no getting around the fact that this convocation of bishops was called by the pope himself. Moreover, the perception around the world was that the Vatican had officially delegitimized Israel while assaulting Judaism itself. As Catholic writer William Doino Jr. noted: “In a statement meant to be fully and intensely Christian, Israel was singled out for blame and criticism. That’s not fair, much less Christian.”

Indeed, this entire episode is little more than a cheap bit of politics wrapping itself in the robes of religion. Bustros and his colleagues clearly have a political ax to grind with the Jewish state, and they shamefully do not hesitate to invoke the sacred for this most profane of goals.

My Christian friends tell me that the words “Palestine” and “Palestinians” do not even appear in the New Testament. So the learned bishops could not have come up with the idea of the “occupation of Palestine” while attending Sunday school.

Furthermore, by Bustros’s own definition, the founder of Christianity would also have to be considered an “occupier” and a “settler,” for according to Christian belief, Jesus the Jew was born and raised in Bethlehem.

That is the very same Bethlehem that Bustros would now like to see become part of a Palestinian state.

No matter how one looks at it, the synod’s unbridled insult to Israel and the Jewish people cannot be allowed to stand. If it is not denounced and corrected forthwith, it will quickly be exploited by Israel’s enemies to stir up still more hatred.

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Prophetic Development?

The MAP of Psalm 83 is becoming more clearly defined by the week. According to this passage, and companion passages in Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 25, Zephaniah 2, and Zechariah 9, Lebanon will be one of those nations that join together to attack Israel. Included in that number are Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.
Up until the present, the Saudis had put forth a moderate face in their dealings in the region. Suddenly, the prospect of dealing with radicals seems to be too much for the Saudis to contemplate. They are swinging toward and attempt to actually control Hamas and Hizbollah. This places the Saudis and the Syrians at the brink of a classic struggle for control of radical Islam. However this battle ends, it will be Israel left in the cross hairs.
Saudis push Lebanese PM Hariri to quit, Lebanon near abyss
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report October 25, 2010
Saad Hariri pushed to quitIn a sudden about-face, the Saudis Monday, Oct. 25, urged Lebanon's pro-Western Prime Minister Saad Hariri to step down without delay and make way for an administration dominated by pro-Syrian ministers and Hizballah. King Abdullah, according to debkafile's Middle East and Beirut sources, sees no other way of saving Lebanon from tipping over into civil strife over Hizballah's demand to disband the international tribunal probing the 2005 murder of former prime minister Rafiq Hariri.

Last week, Hariri confided to US Deputy Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman he was close to resigning and giving way to the Saudi King, long a friend of the Hariri family, now siding with its antagonists. When Riyadh saw he was sticking to his guns, the Saudi mouthpiece Asharq al-Awsat published an article of a sort rarely seen in the Arab media telling the Lebanese prime minister in no uncertain terms that he had choice in the matter. Chief Editor Tariq Alhomayed warned Saad Hariri that he had run out of options and the only thing left him was to follow his father's example and resign as prime minister as Rafiq Hariri did in late 2004.
(A few months later, Rafiq Hariri was assassinated in Beirut.)

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Second Coming

The Second Coming -- In Two Parts
The Bible often appears to address the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as if it were one event, but upon closer examination, it is obvious that it takes place in two separate parts with an interval of time between them.
The Lord returns once for His Church as its Redeemer and then again at the end of the Tribulation Period as its Avenger. The first coming is in secret. It is signless – that is to say – there is nothing that must occur first.

That first, secret coming for His Church could have taken place at any time in history from the 1st century until now, something known to theology as the “doctrine of immanency.”

This secret coming is called the Rapture of the Church.
There will be some who will argue that the Rapture is a made up doctrine and point to the fact the word rapture does not appear in the Bible as ‘evidence’. (It is worth noting at this point that the word ‘Bible’ isn’t in the Bible either.) The word ‘Rapture’ comes from the Latin word rapios which is itself a translation of the Greek word ‘harpazo’ which means, “to snatch away, grab, or carry off.”

So it’s not a very compelling argument, and its rebuttal is devastating: The word ‘Rapture’ does not appear in the English Bible for the same reason that there IS an English Bible. Because the Greeks and Romans used different words for everything than we do.

Whether the word Rapture is in the Bible or not, the picture of the Second Coming taking place in two-part harmony is unmistakable.

In the first part, He comes as a thief. (Revelation 16:15)
In the second part, He comes as lightning. (Luke 17:24)
In the first part, as the Morning Star. (Revelation 22:16)
In the second part, the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:1-2)
In the first part, as a bridegroom. (Matthew 25:1-6)
In the second part, as a King. (Matthew 25:31-34)
In the first, to the marriage. (Matthew 25:10)
In the Second, to the Throne of His Glory. (Matthew 25:31)
In the first, to the virgins. (Matthew 25:1)
In the second, to the nations. (Matthew 25:32)
In the first, before the marriage. (Matthew 25:1)
In the second, after the marriage. (Luke 12:36)
In the first, for His Bride. (John 14:3)
In the second, with His Bride. (Colossians 3:4)
In the first, He meets His Bride in the air. (1st Thessalonians 4:17)
In the second, He puts His foot down on the Mount of Olives. (Zechariah 14:3-4)
In the first, He comes to receive His Bride unto Himself. (John 14:3)
In the second, He comes to be received by repentant Israel. (Zechariah 11:10)
In the first, He comes to take His bride to the heavenly city. (John 14:1-5, Song of Solomon 4, Ephesians 5:27)
In the second, He comes to the earthly city of Jerusalem to take up His Throne as King.
The first part is called, “our gathering together unto Him” (2nd Thessalonians 2:1)
The second part is called, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ from heaven.” (2nd Thessalonians 1:7)
The Rapture of the Church is clearly not a new doctrine invented by a Scottish schoolgirl, or by C.I. Scofield or by J.N. Darby. For fourteen hundred years, it was a lost doctrine, along with the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith.

Martin Luther didn’t discover a new doctrine when he read Ephesians 2:8-9, he rediscovered what the Vatican had buried during the Dark Ages. (That's why they were called "the Dark Ages" in the first place). Luther rediscovered the truth that salvation comes through grace and by faith, not by paying money to a priest for absolution from purgatory.

To the degree one can credit Schofield or Darby or anybody else, it can only be for the rediscovery of a doctrine long buried by the Vatican for the same reason. If the Lord is to come for the living saints, then the Vatican dogma that requires additional purification in Purgatory collapses.

It is beyond question that the Bible presents the Second Coming in two-part harmony – to argue otherwise is to argue that the Bible contradicts itself, rather than harmonizes.

Having established the clear Biblical timeline that proves the Second Coming is in two parts, the next question is whether or not the Rapture takes place before, during or after the Tribulation.

Note with me the one doctrine that demands the Second Coming must be in two parts. The doctrine of immanency. (2nd Peter 3:10, Revelation 3:3, Luke 12:40, Luke 12:46, Matthew 24:36,42, Mark 13:32)

I could fill the page with similar references that confirm that the date of the Rapture will be incalculable, whereas the length of the Tribulation period is precisely outlined and concludes with His visible return, and can therefore be calculated. (Daniel 9:24-27, Daniel 12:7,11-13)

This is the same problem with the Pre-Wrath, Mid-Trib and Post-Trib views – each conflicts with the doctrine of immanency, a doctrine Jesus hammered home many times.

The Rapture of the Church could have happened at any time in history without being early and the Tribulation could still be future without being late. That has always been the spiritual status quo – until this generation.

For this generation, that equation is turned on its head. Instead, the Rapture is like a floodgate on a dam. During the Church age, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit within believers serves to hold back the onset of unrestricted evil.

When that floodgate is removed, then evil is allowed to flow unrestricted. We are that floodgate – once the Church has been removed, there will be nobody left to stand in the way.

In the meantime, we are all that stands in the enemy’s way.

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Second US Carrier Enters Persian Gulf

Could Barack Obama be attempting to pull a military-oriented, pre-election rabbit out of his hat in order to bolster liberal democrat's and their failing polls?

For the first time the United States has positioned to Aircraft Carrier Groups in the Persian Gulf. The USS Abraham Lincoln has joined the USS Harry S Truman opposite the shores of Iran. Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, said the move was to support the surge in Afghanistan. But, the Iranians took immediate notice stating that the West had better recognize and not cross the "established Islamic red line." The two carrier groups now place 120 fighter bomber aircraft (F-18 Hornets and FA-18 Super Hornets) within striking distance of Iran's nuclear facilities.
Although they are talking tough, I am positive the Iranians suddenly have their "turbans in a wad" over this development.
I commend this move by the Obama Administration, though I truly doubt the President will actually initiate another war.
Stay tuned. Things are heating up rapidly again. Who knows when the Middle East will reach the boiling point and spill over into war.

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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is the READERS FAVORITE 2010 National Writing Competition SILVER MEDALIST in the Christian Fiction Genre

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Monday, October 18, 2010

The Squeeze Increasing From All Directions

First, let me apologize to you loyal readers of prophecyalert. Four days ago, my computer contracted a bad case of a cold.....and succumbed. It was a sad moment, few tears, and I got over it quickly. Now, with a new machine with a will to live, I will proceed.
News is flowing from the Middle East, news that will probably not appear in the mainstream media.
First, the US is claiming that China is now assisting Iran in developing their military nuclear capability in violation of UN sanctions. Who'da thunk it.
Second, Iran and Turkey are adding Chinese, Ching-du fighter aircraft to their air forces in large numbers.
Third, though Russia has reneged on its sale of the vaunted S-300 missile system to Iran, it seems Iran will get it through the back door. This weekend, Russia agreed to assist Venezuela with a nuclear program, and at the same time, sell the S-300 system to the South American country. Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, promised Iran his full cooperation and military support. So.....Russia has found a way around the UN Sanctions as well.
Lastly, from the Debkafile; Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has re-opened the door for partnership with Hamas in the West Bank. He continues to attempt to coerce Israel into deep concessions by the threat of terror. Read on, and remember that everything that is developing seems to be falling into the prophetic puzzles of Psalm 83/Isaiah 17/Ezekiel 25/Jeremiah 12, as well as the second phase described in Ezekiel 38 and 39.

Abbas weighs opening West Bank to Hamas fighting and intelligence units
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report October 18, 2010

Abbas may invite Hamas special forces to West BankPalestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas is seriously weighing a secret plan for bringing a fresh influx of Hamas fighting and intelligence forces into the West Bank at points opposite Israel. At the same time, he tells the world that the only impediment to Middle East peace is Israel's refusal to halt Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and Jerusalem.
debkafile's military and intelligence sources report that this secret plan is at the top of the agenda of the second round of reconciliation talks between Abbas' Fatah and Hamas representatives opening in Damascus Wednesday, Oct. 20. The plan would be a trade-off: Fatah fighting and intelligence units would also regain a foothold in the Gaza Strip for the first time since they were thrown out in Hamas' 2007 putsch.
Our sources report that this swap would be part of a plan dubbed "Reform of Palestinian Security and Intelligence Services." It is the touchiest point in the negotiations led by Fatah's Ahmad al-Azzam and Hamas' political bureau chief Mussa Abu Marzuk which the rival factions have embarked on to bury the hatchet and cut a power-sharing deal.

The two parties see the plan as giving each of the two parties reciprocal guarantees sheathed in steel for the other to stand by any accord reached in the talks.
It would go forward in three incremental steps:

1. An exchange of territory. The internal security bodies of the two Palestinian organizations would take up position in predefined areas - Hamas on the West Bank and Fatah in the Gaza Strip. Each will take charge of security in those patches - while also guaranteeing the good faith of its opposite number.

2. If this stage goes through without hitches, Fatah and Hamas will then swap fighting forces in their respective territories.

debkafile's military sources report that this stage would bring six American-trained Palestinian Authority special forces over to the Gaza Strip and a corresponding number of Hamas Ezz-e Din Al-Qassam units trained by Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Hizballah into the West Bank.

3. Mahmoud Abbas will undertake to persuade the Obama administration to coerce Israel into accepting the deal for the sake of resolving the Palestinian internal feud and reuniting the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

According to our sources, Hamas representatives, who put the plan to American and European parties in informal contacts, gained the impression that Washington might be brought around to buying it and even lean on the Netanyahu government to accept this formula in return for quiet Palestinian forbearance in the face of limited Israeli construction for the settlements and Jerusalem.
However, our political sources report that when word of this evolving scenario reached Jerusalem, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak hit the ceiling. They sent word to Washington that if it went through, Israel would take four steps:

First, break off the two-year old US-sponsored military cooperation with the Palestinian Authority in the war on terror;

Second, redeploy Israeli forces in all the West Bank areas and towns evacuated over that period;
Third, restore the dozens of counter-terror roadblocks and checkpoints removed from West Bank roads as a concession to meet demands for easing Palestinian movement;

Fourth, Israel would use force to keep Hamas armed units and security elements out of the West Bank - even if they were routed through Jordan.

Awareness of the Palestinian leader's double dealings with Hamas and their scheme for deploying Iran-backed fighting extremists to the West Bank has prompted Netanyahu's frequent assertions of late that any accommodation with the Palestinians must include a guarantee that the West Bank will never become a missile launching-pad against Israel.
All the same, before they left for Damascus, Abbas instructed his representatives to continue discussing the euphemistic "Reform of Palestinian Security and Intelligence Services" with Hamas.

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Provocation Without Response.....Yet

This article speaks for itself. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has provoked Israel, and Israel has responded in silence. How long will that last? This situation is the exact scenario of my fiction thriller series, the Lightning Chronicles. Get books one and two, Distant Thunder and Magog Rising by going to or directly from key word Magog Rising.

By its inaction, Israel permits Iran's annexation of Lebanon
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis October 14, 2010

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and all of Israel's leaders chose silence in the face of the imperialist Shiite energy Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad exuded in his all-conquering visit to Lebanon. On his first day in Beirut, Wednesday, Oct. 13, he walked off with four major accomplishments:

1. He demonstrated that Tehran calls the shots in Beirut - not the lawful Lebanese government which is crumbling under Iranian pressure, not the divided Christian or Sunni Muslim communities and not even Syria. Every last Lebanese leader, including those who made a show of protesting his visit, paid homage to Ahmadinejad in Beirut and praised his "moderation."
2. The Iranian president's tour Thursday plants an Iranian flag on Israel's northern border with Lebanon and that's just for starters. The flag, already present in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, is heading for the West Bank and eventually Jerusalem. Addressing tens of thousands of cheering Lebanese Shiites in the Hizballah stronghold of Dahya in Beirut Wednesday night, Ahmadinejad and his puppet, Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah, pledged to make Israel "disappear" and declared nothing and no one can stop this happening. How and when is up to Tehran.
3. He also announced the formation of a new Islamic bloc, a revival of the old Eastern Front, composed of Iran, Syria, Turkey, the Palestinians, Lebanon and Iraq. It would be dedicated to fighting not only Israel but also America.
For the Iranian ruler, Israel is small change compared with the task of destroying America's Middle East presence and usurping its big power role. In the course of his triumphal tour of Beirut, an abject Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki came to Syrian president Bashar Assad cap in hand to beg for him to intercede with his Iranian ally for support.
4. Ahmadinejad gave the entire Arab Middle East an object lesson in how much ground the Islamic Republic and its president are capable of swallowing up - even without a nuclear weapon. They were warned by the way Lebanon fell at his feet that they stood no chance against their new hegemon as a nuclear power.
In every country's life, there comes a moment for decisive action as the only sensible course for self-preservation. This moment has come for Israel and it finds its leaders gripped by extreme paralysis - lethargic instead of proactive. They would impress a stranger as being mesmerized by the phenomenon at large on northern border.
In fact, Netanyahu and Barak are bound hand and foot by their (unpublished) pledge to US President Barack Obama to refrain from attacking Iran for a year. Not only have they been struck dumb in the face of the most brutal threat of extinction Israel has ever faced, they are squandering national energies on courting a failed Palestinian leader and a divisive argument over whether or not to extend the freeze on settlement construction for a few more weeks.
The Israeli government would have been fully entitled to stand up and warn Ahmadinejad that the morning after he and his puppet, Hassan Nasrallah, made a public oath to make Israel "disappear" forever, they had better not show their faces on the Lebanese border. Checking out their prey at close quarters could be dangerously premature for them both and lead to serious repercussions.
Instead, they sent the defense ministry's political coordinator Amos Gilead, an expert in shilly-shallying, to deliver a noncommittal remark or two in a radio interview.
He explained there was no need for Israel to take any action for now, but to trust the "forces of anti-Iranian resistance" in Lebanon. He seemed to have forgotten that even the Obama administration no longer believes these forces are capable of standing up to the peril besetting their country.
debkafile's sources find a strong, unfortunate analogy between Israeli passivity today and British appeasement on the even of World War II: the British prime minister Neville Chamberlain went down in history for signing away the Sudeteland region of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany at Munich in 1938, opening the door to Germany's conquest of Europe and the war, and the Netanyahu government's silence as power-hungry Iran annexes Lebanon on its doorstep.

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Forcing Israel into and Unwinnable Situation

The issues surrounding the achievement of peace in the Middle East are complex. Violence has not aided the process.
The current direct talks have been put on hold due to the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu has refused to extend the moratorium on settlement construction that ended last week. The Palestinians have walked away from the table until such time, they say, that Israel ceases all West Bank construction. I find it interesting that Israel is being told to stop providing for the natural growth of its population, even within the confines of its ancient capital city, Jerusalem. Netanyahu understands that if he surrenders to this demand, Israel will, in essence, be surrendering its existence.
Again, the Palestinian leadership factions are threatening to resume the violence, as if Israel would bow and cower in fear. Thus, Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, is again attempting an end run...convincing the world to recognize a Palestinian State designed on the pre 1967 War boundaries. Israel would, supposedly, have no say in the issue and be forced to bow to the will of the world.
This from the Jerusalem Post editorial staff.

Editorial: No to unilateralism
By JPOST EDITORIAL 10/11/2010 00:06

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas raised the possibility, during an Arab League meeting in Libya on Friday, of abandoning peace talks with Israel and turning to the UN Security Council and to the US to receive recognition for an independent Palestinian state delineated by the pre-1967 borders.Israeli government officials ruled out this possibility as “unrealistic” and a “mirage.”
Notwithstanding the Israeli officials’ dismissive response to Abbas’s threat – issued after Israel refused to extend a 10-month moratorium on new construction on the settlements in Judea and Samaria – the gambit of a unilateral declaration on the creation of a Palestinian state on territory presently under Israeli control is, unfortunately, looking increasingly possible. Supreme efforts should be made to prevent this from happening.
In February, PA Prime Minister
Salam Fayyad, speaking at the Herzliya Conference, outlined a plan, first made public in August 2009, to establish unilaterally a de facto Palestinian state by August 2011. By that time, according to Fayyad, whom President Shimon Peres has compared to David Ben-Gurion, “the reality of [a Palestinian] state will impose itself on the world.”The Quartet (the US, EU, UN and Russia) has supported aspects of Fayyad’s plan, as have international donors.
The concept of a “facts on the ground” approach to the creation of a Palestinian state is a radical departure from Palestinian nationalism’s advocacy of a windfall success through violence or international diplomacy. Rather than seeking an impossible military victory over Israel or waiting for the sudden achievement of a major peace treaty, the state-building program seeks to create Palestine step by step.

The forcing of Israel into a box designed by the Global Community will work only to drive the Middle East toward an inevitable war. Joel 3:1-2 says, "For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat (the location of the prophesied battle at Armageddon). And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land."

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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is the READERS FAVORITE 2010 National Writing Competition SILVER MEDALIST in the Christian Fiction Genre

Toll Free at 1866 909-2665
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ahmadinejad Exacerbation

The Iranian nuclear program is under cyber attack from the West. Iran's economy has been targeted by Western sanctions. Arab nations have called for Western help against the threat Iran poses to each. Has that stopped Ahmadinejad and his Islamic radicals?
Of course not.
Iran (named Persia in Ezekiel 38 and 39) is on a trek toward war and destruction, and according to prophecy, God is the one pulling the hook.
While Americans gear up for mid-term elections in just three weeks, the Middle East continues to gear up for war. Some experts believe Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has given only a couple more months to see if sanctions will actually slow Iran's nuclear progress. After that, it is any one's guess as to how soon a unilateral military strike might occur.
In the meantime, Iran's leader continues to stir the pot of Islamic radicalism and war.
Hezbollah urges mass turnout for Ahmadinejad

The Shiite militant group Hezbollah on Saturday called for a mass turnout to welcome Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he arrives on a two-day official visit to Lebanon next week.
"We call on you to welcome President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday at 7:30 am (0430 GMT) all along the airport road," the group's Al-Manar television broadcast over a picture of a smiling Iranian leader.
"Lebanon is the country of resistance -- welcome to your family," said the voice-over to the television spot, which was signed by both Hezbollah and Amal, another Lebanese Shiite party that is allied to the "party of God."
Ahmadinejad's October 13-14 visit is eagerly anticipated by Hezbollah, which is planning to give him a warm welcome as well as a tour of the southern border region with Israel.
However, the trip has sparked controversy in Lebanon with some members of the pro-Western parliamentary majority calling it a provocation and the United States also expressing concern.
Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah are set to appear together at a rally in a stadium in Hezbollah's stronghold in southern Beirut.
The leader of Hezbollah, considered a terrorist organisation by Washington, lives in hiding and last appeared in public in July 2008.
Don't allow our economic woes, or the coming elections, to distract you from looking up.

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Will the Mid-Terms Make a Difference?

Op-Ed writer, David Freund opined today that the importance of the coming mid-term election can not be overstated. Writing in the Jerusalem Post, Freund says, "For pro-Israel Jews and Christians, this election couldn’t come at a more opportune moment. After more than a year-anda- half of the administration’s unprecedented bullying of Israel, those who cherish the relationship between America and the Jewish state will now have a chance to send a loud and clear message.
To put it bluntly: It’s payback time, and Israel’s supporters should teach President Barack Obama a lesson by giving his party a stinging rebuke at the ballot box in November."

Given the fact that our Republic is in jeopardy, if not already lost, this mid-term vote is extremely important. To stem the tide of godlessness and liberalism that has infected Washington, a massive dose of conservative has to happen. But is it enough?
As a believer in the lordship of Jesus Christ, and a watcher of Biblically prophetic signs, what God has set in motion concerning Israel, the Middle East, and the world, is totally in his hands. His designs are....for lack of a better phrase....his designs.
However, what strikes me as immanently important is the need for an American turn around; a turn from the godless direction in which this nation has been moving for the last half a century. It is time for an awakening!
The awakening must begin in the House of God...the body of true followers of Christ. Life ambition, luxury, comfort, and entertainment have ruled the hearts and minds of Christians far too long. Doctrines have been twisted to fit our comfort zone, or our distorted view of God's sovereign purposes. Spiritual laziness has grown into spiritual obesity. We have little clue as to what true suffering really looks like, or how it refines the follower of Jesus for Kingdom living.
It is time for a U-turn.
This election can be part of the overall repentance that is desperately needed, but it is only start for our nation. America must turn back to the One True God, and his name does not start with Allah!
Pray with me for this awakening, then VOTE in November for men and women who uphold Godly, Biblical, and moral principles.

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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is the READERS FAVORITE 2010 National Writing Competition SILVER MEDALIST in the Christian Fiction Genre

Toll Free at 1866 909-2665
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Monday, October 4, 2010

Obama's Offer: A Sad Commentary

The Region: An Offer He Had to Refuse
By BARRY RUBIN 10/03/2010 22:02

Contents of a White House letter have been published outlining what the Obama administration will offer Israel if it extends the moratorium on building inside West Bank settlements for two months. The proposals reveal again how the White House doesn’t seem to understand the situation.Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu couldn’t continue the freeze because there isn’t enough support in his coalition for doing so. Minor US offers won’t change that fact.
Moreover, the main underlying problem is lack of confidence that the Palestinian Authority wants peace, is willing to compromise or will implement future commitments. When we consider the specifics, then, the US offer isn’t relevant.But there are more problems. Consider: Why two months, why not three or four? Why not two weeks? What is happening within two months? The US election! The implication is that the Obama administration is offering Israel the following basic deal: Make us look good until the vote.
That’s it. Because the only alternative view is that the US believes the onceevery- two-week talks will make such dramatic progress in two months that both Israel and the Palestinians will be on the verge of peace, so an end to the freeze won’t matter.Is that credible? No. And so when press reports say the White House is angry that Netanyahu rejected the offer, we can well understand why. It certainly isn’t going to pressure the PA to give in, which is the other alternative. The collapse of the peace talks on the verge of the November elections don’t make it look good, and the administration cannot do anything to Israel until later.

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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is the READERS FAVORITE 2010 National Writing Competition SILVER MEDALIST in the Christian Fiction Genre

Toll Free at 1866 909-2665
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Hooks in Magog's Jaw

God pulls no punch...or withholds the hook.
Ezekiel 38:4 says "And I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army..."
Ouch... did you notice the plurality? Not a hook....but HOOKS"
Hey, when you're out fishing for that monster catfish, you don't use a flimsy little hook to turn him around once he bites. No. You use a treble hook...a three pronged device that sets itself tight and will not be loosed by anything the fish does.
So it will be with the Magog coalition. Once God sets these "hooks" in his mouth, nothing will stop his plan to exact judgment, save Israel, and let the whole world know he is GOD.
Many of us who study prophecy have watched, speculated, and conjectured what those hooks might be. My formulation goes something like this:
Hook ONE: The world turns against a reborn Israel simply because God's covenant people have always been despised. Why? They are a target of Satan by the fact God chose them.
Hook TWO: The rise of a violent, unmanageable Ishmael... The ancient brother of Isaac, the same who sold his birthright and lost the blessing wants it back. He is arousing violence, and bringing as many with him to the fight as possible.
Hook THREE: Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 25, Zephaniah 2, and Zechariah 9 describe an "Inner Ring War," an attack by the nations immediately surrounding Israel. Ezekiel 25 says that God will deal with these nations once and for all, "by the hand of my people Israel." Once that war is fought, and it will happen rather quickly, Israel will have regained the ancient boundaries. They will be feared by the world because of the demonstration of power they will have used. The "Outer Ring" nations, fed by hatred and fear will be stirred. Their coalition, now in existence, will be strengthened and ready to descend.
Hook FOUR? Greed? Hatred--Fear--Greed, a volatile combination. Israel National News is reporting that a potential 4 billion barrels of oil lies in the Leviathan energy field off the coast of Haifa. What does the I.N.N. report forecast for Israel if the numbers hold up and Israel is indeed sitting on another large find of "black gold"?
"The ramifications of the discovery are immense. If the estimates materialize, Israel will become self-sufficient in energy, enjoy a boon of employment for engineers and laborers, and will become an exporter of gas and oil. The shekel, barring a conflict with Hizbullah or Iran, may become rock-solid, dropping the representative rate; Israel's shekel is now worth about 26.3 cents (3.8 shekels) to the dollar."
A boon of employment, the exporting of gas and oil, and a rock-solid shekel? Simply put, the forecast is great wealth for Israel and this, once again, points toward us drawing closer to the prophesied battle of Gog-Magog.
Ezekiel 38:13 foresees nations asking Magog coalition why it has or is attacking Israel in the prophetic future:
"Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?"
With this new oil find, all the barbs on the hook seem to be in place. Only God knows the timing of the two-stage war that is coming. I submit, we are very close!

Jimmy Root Jr
Books One and Two of the Lightning Chronicles

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is the READERS FAVORITE 2010 National Writing Competition SILVER MEDALIST in the Christian Fiction Genre

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