Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Ahmadinejad Plague Expands

Syria, Lebanon host Iranian troops, Qatar also willing
DEBKAfile Special Report

Iran further consolidated its anti-US coalition and honed its hard edge against Israel this week with two important defense treaties signed with Syria (covering Lebanon) and Qatar, home to the biggest US air base outside America. These treaties opened doors for Iranian troops to be stationed in all three countries.
According to debkafile's military sources, they are already present in Syria and Lebanon. On this high note, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Syrian president Bashar Assad and Hizballah chief Hassan Nasrallah, Thursday, Feb. 25, wound up their talks in Damascus - to which Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal was co-opted - on joint military preparations for a Middle East war. That day too, Israel completed a five-day command exercise against a possible four-front assault by the Tehran-led coalition.
Our sources reveal that after his talks, the Shiite Iranian president made the extraordinary gesture towards the Arab countries he is wooing by attending a two-hour prayer session with Assad at a Sunni mosque in Damascus. Asked about his Shiite sensitivities, Ahmad said, "We are all one Ummah."
Together with Nasrallah, the pair later appeared before the press to scoff at US policies, celebrate their friendship and predict Israel's early annihilation, the day after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a U.S. Senate subcommittee the United States had recently urged Syria to "begin to move away" from Iran following the appointment of its first ambassador to Damascus in five years. Ultimately, she said, the United States expects Assad to curb his ties with Iran and his support for militant groups like the Lebanon-based Hezbollah and Hamas, based in the Gaza Strip. Assad drew laughs when he told the correspondents that he and Ahmadinejad had just signed "a separation accord, but because of a bad translation "we ended up signing an accord scrapping visas.
(It doesn't sound to me like Hillary Clinton is taken seriously. I know I don't.)

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