What a whirlwind... Last week we had the "Third Great Spiritual Awakening in America" led by a Mormon. This week, a Baptist pastor plans to have a Koran-fueled bonfire.

Talk about things being out of whack....or maybe whacked out!
First, the spiritual awakening.
August 28, Glen Beck led a rally from the Lincoln Memorial that boasted over 500,000 people in attendance and featured several evangelical, catholic, and Jewish leaders as speakers.
Who could help but be stirred as everyone spoke of turning our nation back to God, honor, faith, hope, and charity.
The problem is....which God are we trying to turn to? The god of Mormonism is quite different than the God of the Bible. The Jesus Christ of Mormonism (a created being) is completely different than the Jesus Christ of the Bible....the eternal creator of the universe, preeminent ruler, and sacrificial savior who is soon to come back to the planet. The closest things to unity on August 28th were the prayers offered by evangelicals and Jews...to Jehovah, but then, not even Jesus was recognized as the Son of God across the board.
My Question: How can a true spiritual awakening be so bipolar? The nation will either be led to the ONE TRUE GOD and his Son, Jesus Christ, or it will be a politically-contrived, schizophrenic mess.
Then comes the Koran burning. "My God! How far have we fallen into foolishness?" This preacher, the Rev. Terry Jones, went so far as to say that Jesus would have burned the Koran. Pardon me? I don't recall Jesus burning the scrolls of any religion, and there were plenty. Zoroastrianism for one, was a mixture of diaspora-Judaism and astrology. It was one of those mixed religions of works, much like Islam. Did Jesus burn a scroll? A parchment? Did he knock down a monolith? hmmm
And what about Muslims? Talk about anti-evangelism! Is burning a pile of Korans any way at all to have a discussion with a Muslim (most of whom are willing to discuss the difference between Christianity and Islam with an open heart)? Boom! Let's just slam the door on a billion people who are deceived. Click! That's the sound of the gates of Hell being locked! LET'S SHUT 'EM OUT with a good ole book burning.
Yes, I believe Islam is a lie of Satan, one of many. NO, Islam is not another way to the Father in heaven, and Allah is not Jehovah. But, for crying out loud, Muslims must be reached with the gospel, not a bonfire.
All the Reverend Jones is doing is applying a hardening agent to the hearts of millions of Muslims who might have otherwise listened to a humble, kind, and loving believer in Christ as he gave a clear witness to the truth.
Whoosh! Out the window!
I guess you now know how I feel about the third spiritual awakening and the burning of the Koran. But I challenge you to find a hole in my sound reasoning.
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Distant Thunder, Gog and Magog, Israel, Iran, Radical Islam, Ezekiel 38 and 39, Jimmy Root Jr, Rapture, Nuclear Weapons, Bible Prophecy, Russia, European Union, Lightning Chronicles, Terrorism, Ahmadinijad,
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