Friday, April 23, 2010

Not So Brave New World Before Us

I don't believe there is anyone who denies that the world is nearing a defining moment. For many, that moment hovers around the rhetoric of "Hope and Change" to be delivered by transformational forms and figures of government. For others, the ideology that we are about to somehow "save the planet" keeps hope alive for a utopian existence.
But for those with eyes to see and ears to hear someone other than Oprah, Barrack, or Hollywood, the hope and change being fed to the world are empty platitudes and the retread of ancient sin. Imagine the slogans used at Babel as the ziggurat rose into the heavens to challenge God.
Today, the same fist of pride and hubris are being shaken in God's face, even while the shakers add their disclaimers as to the very existence of the one they are defying. Lucifer's sin has been adopted by men. "I will arise and seat myself on the throne," they shout. "God laughs!" (Psalm 2)
But the truth about what the entire world is feeling is that we really are on the cusp of change. A defining moment is upon us, a moment unlike anything we American Christians have ever seen. Change is coming, and in fact, is here now, though many have not yet awakened to its presence.
I am reminded of the words God spoke to Joshua just before Israel crossed over the Jordan to face the impenetrable walls of Jericho. "Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9) Joshua saw the dangers. Joshua saw the changes coming, changes that would mean battle, discipline, and commitment. Yet the Lord told him to be strong and face the change head on. God would lead him and his people through the land. Though it was possessed by the wicked, God promised it as an inheritance to his people. Joshua persevered even though things got much worse for Israel before they realized their victories.
The coming conflict for most followers of Christ will not be whether or not to bow to an increasingly anti-god government and culture. The conflict will be waged in the heart. This will be a FAITH versus FEAR battle. We will be defined in the days ahead by which one wins. Will we face this generation's defining moment with faith? Or, will we shirk back in fear, resigning ourselves to hidden corners and a whispered gospel?
With every defining moment for the Church comes the opportunity to fade into the shadows, or stand up and courageously reap a harvest. This harvest will require some sweat, some sleepless hours of prayer, and maybe a few spiritual blisters. But the harvest that is before us will be the greatest ingathering of souls in all of history. The harvest will be opened by change, by hardship, by the tearing down of every foundation of hope. The philosophical principalities of the world will be crushed, leaving people hopeless, helpless, and seeking truth. Only the presentation of the gospel through the lives of faith-driven, Christ-seeking, fear-forsaking bastions of holiness will provide what this generation is going to need.
Are you up for the task? Have you left your fear by the side of the road? Are you bolstering your faith in the God of Joshua? If so, get ready to get your hands dirty in the final harvest.

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