Debkafile is reporting that this lack of outcry stems from a deal made by Barrack Obama with Russia...that the Russians would not veto Obama's sanction proposals in the UN if the USA could somehow coerce Israel into staying on the sidelines and not bombing the facility. That is exactly what happened! Whatever pressure was applied was directed toward Israel...preventing them from launching an arial attack against Iran's nuclear ambitions.
So, the deed is done. Israel has chosen to wait a bit longer, under advice from the White House that said Iran is still a year away from actually developing a bomb. I hope they are right, because if Ahmadenijad has again hoodwinked the president (as happened last year when the US assessment stated that the Bushehr reactor would not go online for two year) then Israel will be the nation in the Mullah's cross hairs.
This development once again demonstrates the unpredictability of events in the Middle East. We have the big picture in Biblical prophecy, but we don't really have anything beyond speculation as to how the dots are going to line up.
Just remember that when it seems everyone has taken a deep breath and relaxed, all hell breaks loose. Don't let that happen to you. This train is still rolling down the tracks toward cataclysmic events in the region of the Holy Land.
Jimmy Root Jr
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Distant Thunder, Gog and Magog, Israel, Iran, Radical Islam, Ezekiel 38 and 39, Jimmy Root Jr, Rapture, Nuclear Weapons, Bible Prophecy, Russia, European Union, Lightning Chronicles, Terrorism, Ahmadinijad,
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