---During his first two years in office, President Obama refused to acknowledge, or participate in the National Day of Prayer.
---President Obama rarely attends church, though he claimed that Jesus was his only means of salvation.
---President Obama participated in a Muslim Day of Prayer in the Rose Garden at the White House.
---As recently as Friday, August 13, 2010, President Obama hosted a White House dinner in honor of the beginning of the month long, Muslim holy month of Ramadan. At that banquet, Obama made it clear that he felt the Muslims had the right to build an Islamic cultural center at the site of the WTC ground zero. Although this is true, is inference was also clear. He is in an all-out campaign to not only reach out to the world of Islam, but to strengthen its hold in America.
While these fact should not be an excuse for believers in Christ to become bigoted and haters of Muslims, it should give all patriotic Americans reason to fear for our nation. What God raised up as a shining light for the world is quickly passing into the twilight at the leadership of a man who has no moral foundation....other than Islam. God help us.
What do we do?
Pray for a fresh revival of the gospel in America.
Vote only for those who hold to the same moral foundation as given in the Bible.
Be aggressive (with much love) in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ openly, and at every opportunity.
This is our calling whether we live in a free nation or not!
Jimmy Root Jr
Book One of the Lightning Chronicles
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Distant Thunder, Gog and Magog, Israel, Iran, Radical Islam, Ezekiel 38 and 39, Jimmy Root Jr, Rapture, Nuclear Weapons, Bible Prophecy, Russia, European Union, Lightning Chronicles, Terrorism, Ahmadinijad,
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