Of course, the weapons fired first belonged to the Lebanese, and they were fired across the border into Israeli positions where one soldier was killed, and another injured. Boy, those Israelis sure are aggressive! I'm amazed someone hasn't done something about those bad Jews! (You know I am speaking with disgusted sarcasm...don't you?) The fact is, Barrack Obama, the EU, the Arabs, and the rest of the somewhat civilized world, are doing everything they can to wash their hands of Israel. Please keep in mind that God has not....in fact, he keeps his covenants!
The following article, from the Jerusalem Post, underlines the attempt by Israeli leadership to apply the art of POSITIVE THINKING, while preparing for the worst. In other words, smile as you prepare your people for trouble.
When the next war comes
By DAVID HOROVITZ 08/06/2010
‘No, no, no, no, no,” said Matan Vilna’i – to make sure I’d got the point. Then he added, “Absolutely not,” in case I was still missing it.
I’d asked him whether Israel was on the brink of another war – what with the renewed Kassam fire from Gaza, a spate of briefings at which senior officers have warned of the expanded Hizbullah and Syrian missile capacity, and the recent highly unusual IDF decision to reveal the specifics of Hizbullah’s military deployment in the “human shield” villages of southern Lebanon.
“Go back over the years,” urged the deputy defense minister.“Every spring for generations, there are war threats. They’re meaningless. They’re right about once every few decades. The fact is," he continued, “There is no Arab interest in a war. No Israel interest. After a war, we’d all be back exactly where we were before.”
We were speaking on Sunday, a day before the missile barrage at Eilat and Aqaba, and two days before battalion commander Dov Harari was killed and company commander Ezra Lakia badly injured in the worst incident at the northern border since the Second Lebanon War four years ago. Those flare-ups underlined the perpetually incendiary tensions on Israel’s frontiers. They also underlined the imperative – despite Vilna’i’s “no, no, no, no, no” assurances – to constantly prepare for the worst.
And that is precisely what the former deputy chief of the General Staff is currently doing: assiduously preparing this country for war – just in case. Preparing Israel for the new kind of war we get dragged into these days. Wars where the home front is the front line, where civilians are prime targets, and where, Vilna’i added in our interview, we can currently expect precious little international sympathy.
From his office high in the Kirya military complex overlooking the jam-packed streets and homes of Tel Aviv, Vilna’i is overseeing the protection of that vulnerable home front – the construction of a “support network” that is supposed to spring into action if sovereign enemies like Syria and Iran, or their Hizbullah and Hamas proxies, start emptying their immensely expanded missile arsenals into civilian Israel.
Interesting!Jimmy Root Jr
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Distant Thunder, Gog and Magog, Israel, Iran, Radical Islam, Ezekiel 38 and 39, Jimmy Root Jr, Rapture, Nuclear Weapons, Bible Prophecy, Russia, European Union, Lightning Chronicles, Terrorism, Ahmadinijad,
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