Now there's a face for you, and Mahmoud Ahmadenijad certainly has reason to be giddy with excitement. Tomorrow, August 21, his Bushehr nuclear plant goes on line. Iran will be nuclear, that is unless Israel bombs the site in the next twelve hours.
Ahmadenijad has the world fooled. Today, the White House issued its assessment of Iran's march toward creating a nuclear bomb. Obama is trying to convince Benjamin Netanyahu that Iran is still a year away from developing a delivery capable nuclear warhead.
My take? If Obama says it....then you cannot count on it being true. There is too much evidence of appeasement coming out of the White House. Obama wants to appease Islam. He wants to appease the Palestinians. He wants to appease the Imam who wants to build a mosque two blocks from ground zero. Obama seeks to appease any and all things Arab. Do you really think his attempt to convince Netanyahu not to bomb Iran can be anything other than another stall tactic? Wake up!
The Middle East is poised for war. All that is needed is for someone to strike a match....like Israel striking Iran's nuclear reactor in Bushehr, or the processing sites at Isfahan and Natanz. While the so called "moderate" Islamic states are secretly cheering for Israel to strike, be assured that if they do, these same moderate states will turn on Israel so fast it will make your head go into a flat spin!
What is really sobering is knowing that this scenario could possibly be the event that sets off the two Showdown Wars of Psalm 83/Isaiah 17, and Ezekiel 38 and 39. We are nearing the boiling point in this drama. Are you ready?
Jimmy Root Jr
Book One of the Lightning Chronicles
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