- Jesus said in Matthew 24 that earthquakes, famines, pestilence (all sorts of natural disasters) would increase the closer we get to his return.
- Paul tells us that this is because the creation is groaning in anticipation of the revelation of the sons of redemption....not because of carbon emissions or mismanagement of mother earth.
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ (last book in the Bible) has tons to say about what is going to happen on the earth by way of judgment. These judgments will be handed out by God, not by the hand of men. Here they are:
- Rev. 6:3-4, Red Horseman of the Apocalypse takes peace away from the earth. War messes things up pretty royally.
- Rev. 6:5-6, Black Horseman brings famine, followed by the Pale Horseman that unleashes death. Death messes things up pretty royally too. Talk about pollution!
- Rev. 8:7, 1st Trumpet Judgment.... One third of all trees and grass burn up. That means the removal of carbon dioxide from the air decreases by one third.... result: air pollution!
- Rev. 8:8-9, 2nd Trumpet Judgment.... One third of the seas become blood, one third of all life in the world's oceans die, one third of all shipping sinks.
- 1, Trumpet Judgment #3.... One third of all fresh water becomes undrinkable, bitter, and poisonous.
- Rev. 16:3, 2nd Bowl Judgment.... The entirety of the oceans and seas turns to blood.
- Rev. 16:4-7, 3rd Bowl Judgment... Ditto with the rest of the planet's fresh water.
- Rev. 16:8-9, 4th Bowl Judgment.... The Sun increases its heat by one third... I'd call that God-instigated global warming. But notice which is the cooker and which is the cookee.
- Rev. 16:10-11, 5th Bowl Judgment... Darkness engulfs the city of the world's anti-Christ ruler.
- Rev. 16:17-21, 7th Bowl Judgment.... 100 pound hailstones batter the earth. This is followed by a worldwide earthquake, and I imagine most of the worlds volcanoes will be spewing by then.
What am I saying? Listen believer in Jesus Christ, to get all paranoid about climate change is a waste of your emotional and spiritual energy. Be clean. Be as green as you want, but the earth is heading for real hope and change in the form of a RE-CREATION, not in a reformation of the activities of mankind. Don't fall for this man-is-in-charge-of-his-own-destiny nonsense. Our very first representative, Adam, gave that up in the Garden of Eden. The earth, and all of creation, is in need of the same redemption that is required by every human being. That redemption has already been provided in the death and resurrection of the Son of the the Living God.... His name is Jesus not Mohammad. He is on his way back to the earth to judge sin once and for all. He is our hope. In him, we are already part of the New Creation!
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Distant Thunder, Gog and Magog, Israel, Iran, Radical Islam, Ezekiel 38 and 39, Jimmy Root Jr, Rapture, Nuclear Weapons, Bible Prophecy, Russia, European Union, Lightning Chronicles, Terrorism, Ahmadinijad,
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