May 28, 2010
Iran gives Syria the go ahead for direct talks with Israel.......Syrian President Bashir Assad told a US television reporter that Iran had approved directs talks between Damascus and Israel, the only stipulation for peace being that Israel turn the Golan Heights over to Syria. How does that play into the Psalm 83 scenario? If Israel were to give up the Golan Heights, it would only be temporary. According to the Bible, Israel will soon become "Greater Israel" after having been forced to destroy Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and parts of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
Debkafile is reporting that a Iranian patrol boats have detected the presence of a fast-attack US submarine in the Straits of Hormuz. This adds to the speculation that the Obama Administration is attempting to increase pressure on Tehran in order to coerce them to the negotiating table over their nuclear weapons program. The USS Aircraft Carrier, Harry S. Truman, and carrier group 10, departed from its base in Virginia on May 21 to join the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Arabian Sea. Two carrier groups off the coast of Iran would certainly be a formidable show of military strength, but the question remains whether or not Barrack Obama has the stomach for starting another war....especially with the prospects of confrontation growing along the border between North and South Korea.
According to the Jerusalem Post, satellite photos demonstrate that not only does the Hezbollah have over 1000 scud missile positioned and ready to attack Israel, Hezbollah has been provided a scud base in the city of Andra, just outside of Damascus. This is the first indication that bases for both training and Hezbollah operations have been established within Syria itself. Upon discovery that the Syrians were providing highly sophisticated, North Korean-made scuds to the Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Israelis stated very clearly that if Israel were to come under attack, Damascus would be destroyed....How does this fit with the Psalm 83, Isaiah 17 prophecies? I'd say the prophets must have had a birds eye view of what is about to happen. At some point, some crazy Hezbollah-jihadist is going to launch a scud or two and Damascus will "be no more."
It is an amazing thing to see the headlines come into alignment with the Word of God. What does that suggest for you and me? We need to be people of the Word like never before in our lives. Also, get as close as you can to the author...who is also called "The Word!"
Jimmy Root Jr
Author: DISTANT THUNDER Book One of the Lightning Chronicles
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I must clear out my stock in order to make room for "A Gathering Storm"
I must clear out my stock in order to make room for "A Gathering Storm"
Distant Thunder, Gog and Magog, Israel, Iran, Radical Islam, Ezekiel 38 and 39, Jimmy Root Jr, Rapture, Nuclear Weapons, Bible Prophecy, Russia, European Union, Lightning Chronicles, Terrorism, Ahmadinijad,
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