Turkey closes airspace to Israel Air Force, Jerusalem declares IHH terroristsDEBKAfile Exclusive Report June 17, 2010
Turkey launched a plan Wednesday night (June 16) to campaign on all fronts for a worldwide boycott of Israel and decided to introduce sanctions leading to the severance of bilateral relations. Its pretext was the absence of a formal apology from Jerusalem for the naval commando raid on the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara ("Blue Marmara"), which left 8 activists dead, and its rejection of an international inquiry of the incident. In Washington, early Thursday morning (June 17), Democratic and Republican members of Congress announced at a press conference that there would be price to pay if Ankara continued its hate campaign against Israel and tight ties with Tehran.
Rep. Mike Pence, the third-highest ranking Republican, said: "There will be a cost if Turkey stays on its present heading of growing closer to Iran and more antagonistic to the state of Israel." Democratic Rep. Eliot Engel called Turkey's actions "disgraceful."
Turkey's actions may be disgraceful, as Rep. Engel said, but they fit perfectly with the flow of Ezekiel's prophecy. It's as clear as the nose on your face. All one needs to do is read the scriptures. Everything is coming together and will end in a climactic fulfillment that, I believe, will usher the world into the final seven year period before Messiah sets up his millennial reign of peace. (Contrast that with the Islamic Mahdi who is prophesied my the Imams to arrive ushering in a reign of conquest and Sharia law.)
Following along with some of the important points of Ezekiel 38 and 39. (In the previous blog I covered the players in this drama. No need to repeat.)
Ez. 38:13 The Magog coalition will come against Israel with a purpose and the rest of the world will issue nothing more than a diplomatic protest. Good 'ole UN
Ez. 38:14 Magag will come against Israel when it is dwelling securely....in unwalled villages. This can only be understood in the light of another prophetic war, a war that must take place before Ezekiel's prophecy can be fulfilled. That war is described in various places and does not include any members of the Magog coaliton, although the Magog members will be the instigators of the first conflict. Psalm 83, Ezekiel 25, etc., describe the nations immediately surrounding Israel as becoming a threat that must be dealt with. Israel will be forced to defend itself, and in so doing, will destroy the capacity of these nations as governing authorities. As a result, Israel will occupy Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Syria (Isaiah 17 says Damascus will be destroyed overnight), western Saudi Arabia, and Egypt from the Negev to the Red Sea. Once that is accomplished, Israel will be feared and will live in the expanded territory of Solomon. This will give the Jews the greatest sense of security since Israel was re-established as a nation on May 14, 1948.
Ez. 38:16-17 God will vindicate his holiness as his righteous anger comes up in his face. (The metaphor is of a man's face turning red in wrath.) But notice that it is God that brings the Magog coalition against Israel. Why? God may delay his judgments, but he will eventually judge. He is also vindicating his name before his covenant people Israel in order to draw them into a true relationship with himself.
Ez. 38:19-23 God is so ticked off the earth shakes throughout the land of Greater Israel. The entire world will see it and be shocked. The mountains surrounding Greater Israel will be thrown down, God will summon a sword against Gog. The coalition will begin fighting amongst themselves. Pestilence and bloodshed will prefail...which sounds like biological warfare, and then the weather will cut loose to finish them off. Israel will not have to lift a finger.
Ezekiel 39 repeats the scenario with more detail, but notice the theme.
Ez. 39:7 and 21. God will make himself known to the world of nations. He will then set his glory among the nations, and all the nations will see his judgments executed. WOW!
Then, the final process of bringing Israel into the knowledge of Messiah will begin...
Ez. 39:25-29. Notice the last verse..... "And I will not hide my face anymore from them, when I pour out my Spirit upon the house of Israel, declares the Lord."
I surmize that, since the Lord has already poured out his Spirit on the Church, the Church will be gone....poof, raptured into his presence. (1 Thess 4, 1 Cor. 15)
The 7 years of Tribulation described in Daniel and the Revelation are not only to judge the world of sin, but to bring about the salvation of national Israel...in fulfillment of the Abrahamic and David Covenants.
The end result will be the Messiah's return to Jerusalem to rule and reign over his people and the world.
That day is fast appoaching, but it will be in the prophetic sequence. Here it is one final time.
An Inner Ring War won by Israel.....coming very soon....maybe sometime this summer.
A momentary widening of territory and security as God gives Israel the victory over its ancient enemies.
The Outer Ring War of the Magog Coalition.
Jimmy Root Jr
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Ezekiel 38 and 39,
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