Three members of the Ezekiel 38, Magog Coalition, are turning up the heat on Israel. Libya
(Put in Ezekiel) has set sail an aide ship for Gaza that is intent on probing Israel's resolve to protect its citizens. Turkey
(Gomer in Ezekiel) took the first shot and succeeded in making Israel look like the bad guy.
Now Iran (Persia in Ezekiel) is stepping up the pressure by sending President Mahmoud Ahmadenijad (pronounced aIm-a-nut-job) to Lebanon (a Pslam 83 coalition member called Tyre and Gebal) for the sole purpose of provoking Israel into a war.
What was a quiet weekend is turning out to be the start of an interesting week. While America is watch the capping of an oil well with baited breath, someone is trying to light another match in the Middle East.
This from Debkafile
Hectic preparations for historic
Ahmadinejad visit to Beirut
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 11, 2010
Ahmadinehad ready for his first close-up to Lebanese-Israel border
Feverish preparations are afoot in Tehran for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's first visit to the Lebanese capital. Reporting this, debkafile's Iranian sources define the trip's purpose as a confrontational exercise to warn the US and Israel that full implementation of the tough new UN, US and European sanctions will provoke an Iranian war on Israel - waged from Lebanon.
Iran's rulers came up with this plan in their marathon consultations last week, prompted by the realization that the US embargo on gasoline and other refined oil products were for real. Combined with the Obama administration's partial success in closing the US banking system and markets to Iranian firms and the UAE's consent to close its ports to Iranian traffic, the new measures have the potential for throwing a large spanner into the Islamic Republic's normal economic activity.
The planning for Ahmadinejad's trip to Lebanon - probably towards the end of July or early August - went into high gear after Syrian president Bashar Assad (Pslam 83 Coalition member called Ammon and Ashur) and the Qatari ruler Shiekh Hamad Bin Khalif Al Thani (who engineered the power-sharing accord for setting up the Lebanese government coalition in 2009...also a Psalm 83 member called Ishmael along with fellow Arabs) reacted positively to the notion of the threesome landing in Beirut aboard the same plane or in convoy, at the invitation of Lebanese president Michel Suleiman.
This procedure was advised to insure the Iranian president against a possible Israel attempt on his life and also that of Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who would be on hand in the welcoming party headed by the Lebanese president.
Sunday, July 11, debkafile reported that Hizballah had massed 20,000 armed men along the border with Israel, while Israeli Defense Forces had ranged tank and armored divisions on the other side of the border.
The broad outline of the visit was laid down by Lebanese Shiite lawmaker Nabih Beri and Alaedin Boroujerdi, Chairman of the Majlis foreign affairs and security committee, who was in Beirut last week to attend the funeral of the Shiite cleric Ayatollah Hassan Fadlallah.
It was decided to use the occasion for the Iranian, Syrian, Qatari and Lebanese leaders to hold a war conference, essentially to plot moves for ramping up the Arab-Israeli conflict. They have already decided in principle to lay the groundwork for a high-tension crisis to erupt between Israel and Lebanon some time in September or October, by which time Tehran will be able to gauge in full how much the new sanctions are hurting Iran.
This is another in a long string of articles that give us a strong taste of the two, Biblically prophesied wars that will involve Israel.
War #1... will involve the nations immediately surrounding Israel; Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. This war is described in the following passages; Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, Jeremiah 12, Ezekiel 25, Obadiah 15-19, Zephaniah 2, and Zechariah 9.
War #2... will involve an outer ring of nations and is described in Ezekiel 38 and 39; Commonly called the War of Gog and Magog, it will be led by Russia and will be comprised of Iran, Turkey, Libya, the nations along the Caspian Sea, and the nations in the Horn of Africa.
One thing about Biblical Prophecy, though we don't know all the details of when and how, we know for certain it will come true. It appears we are on the brink of witnessing prophecy unfold at some point in the near future.
Jimmy Root JrOR
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