How many times have we heard this before?
'Israel is Obstacle to Peace'
Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal on Friday called Israel “the obstacle” to peace in the Middle East and urged the US to “deal with this reality and not put pressure on the Palestinian or the Arab side.” In an interview with PBS, Mashaal said his organization had no problem with the US, calling it “a great state.” But, he said, “its interest should not be at the expense of the interests of others and the peoples of the region.”
"If America wants democracy and human rights, it has to give the same rights to the people in the region,” he said. It's support of Israel “complicates matters,” he added.Mashaal spoke out against the isolation of Hamas, saying the US "should have direct dialogue with Hamas without mediators … Why does [US Mideast envoy George Mitchell] believe that he will succeed in the Palestinian issue without dialogue with Hamas?" Mashaal said that just as the Obama Adminstration had accepted the results of Israel's election despite the rise of “extremists” to power, it should accept Hamas's victory in the 2006 Palestinian election. Failing to do so showed a double standard, he said.The Hamas leader said he did not support violence against civilians and said attacks on Israel would stop once it withdrew to the 1967 borders.
In other news......President Obama, after having joined the UN Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Panel, has objected to wording in the treaty that everyone knew would be there. The NTP was decidedly anti-Semitic from the moment it was conceived. Until Barrack Obama assumed the Presidency, the United States had been categorically opposed the nature of the the panel. Now, that the commission, made up of predominantly third world & Middle Eastern countries, has singled out Israel as the main culprit in blocking a nuclear-free Middle East, the Obama administration realizes it has put itself in jeopardy with a large block of American Jews who support Israel's right to defend itself. My question is why our President was so foolish in joining this bogus commission in the first place.
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